Steps for Video Generation:
Select View/Animation View to enable

Time Setting: Set Start/End Time and No. Frames( 24 Frames* total time periods )
example: 4 seconds need 96 frames

Add Camera/Interpolate camera: Camera moved follow the interpolated path with selected positions
- Add time step: Mouse left key double clicked on time track to open “Animation Keyframes”, and Click New to add time steps for new position
- Select time step: Mouse left key double clicked on Position to open “Key Frame Interpolation”
- Set step position: Move the camera and click Use Current

Add Camera/Follow Path: Camera moved follow the defined path
- Add time step: Mouse left key double clicked on time track to open “Animation Keyframes”, and Click New to add time steps for new path
- Select time step: Mouse left key double clicked on Path to open “Key Frame Interpolation”, and clicked on Camera Position, and checked “Show Spline”
- Set position: Move the sphere on the spline path
- Add sphere: Clicked on +

Add Camera/Follow Data: Camera focus point at the change of data
- Data source to follow: Mouse left key double clicked on time track

Add Source/filter: Source/filter changed by property value
- Add time step: Mouse left key double clicked on time track to open “Animation Keyframes”, and Click New to add time steps for new value
- Set step value: Mouse left key double clicked on Value field of time track and edit value
- Set value interpolation method: Mouse left key double clicked on “Intepolation” field of time track and Select

- Type: avi or mp4

- Resolution: Set as your video project setting
- Frame Rate: 24 per second

Paraview is not professional video editor, so need to use other video editor to merge clips into final video with more options
